
Welcome to our e-learning library!

If you are unable to attend a seminar, and you are interested in our courses – all is not lost! Here you will find 5-10-minute modules to help. You don’t have to log on or sign up to anything, they are available to everyone and they are FREE! Each bite-sized module focuses on a specific cardiology topic from the basics to the advanced. At the end of each module there is a short knowledge check and some case studies so that you can put into practice what you have just learnt. On successful completion you can print a certificate for your CDP folder. Don’t worry your results are not logged anywhere and you can try as many times as you like. Just click launch and go!

There are two new modules in the pipeline that will be published over the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can view three of our e-learning modules from 2013 which are also in the process of being updated.

Creating courses for this library is an ongoing process so if there are any specific topics that you would like added just let us know! If there isn’t anything here that you like please visit the training resources page where you can find recommended ECG books, websites, YouTubers, and social media sites.